Become a Day Sponsor
“Today’s Day Sponsor is Bill Williams, who wishes his wife Mary a very special round-numbered birthday with all his love and gratitude. Happy birthday Mary!”
Imagine the surprise Mary felt when she heard this announcement read live on 90.9 WRCJ. Maybe she was in Europe on business and unable to be home with her family. It was that much more meaningful when she heard it online at
With a gift of $250 or more to 90.9 WRCJ you can become a Day Sponsor. Your personal 15-second message will broadcast 6 times on the day of your choice.
Who is the special person, organization or upcoming event that you’d like to honor?
Who is the special person or organization in your life that you’d like to honor? Is there a special event coming up? By becoming a DAY SPONSOR with a gift of $250 or more to 90.9 WRCJ. You are the 15-second personal message will be broadcast six times on the day of your choice. Contribute Now.
Sign up today. Learn more by contacting Bridgette Blackburn.
WRCJ reserves the right not to accept any day sponsor dedication which is of a
- controversial/political nature,
- considered advertising,
- overly promotional or in poor taste.
Payment of $250 must be received at least 14 days in advance of the day of your sponsorship in order to retain your sponsorship.