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Ann Arbor Concert Band presents Hooked on Classics

Join us as the Ann Arbor Concert Band begins our 45th Anniversary Season celebration! David Leach, Artistic Director and Conductor, steps to the podium to present “Hooked on Classics!” highlighting the imagination and musical genius of classic composers. The concert features the dynamic “Procession of the Nobles, the comic and endearing “Candide Suite”, the romantic “Overture to Nabucco”, the awe-inspiring “Finale from Symphony No. 9 (New World)”, the powerful “Pines of the Appian Way“ and more.

Full Program

Procession of the Nobles Rimsky-Korsakov
Candide Suite Bernstein
Egmont Overture Beethoven
Overture to Italian in Algiers Rossini
Overture to Nabucco Verdi
La Procesion del Rocio Turina
Finale from Symphony No. 9 Dvorak
(New World)
Pines of the Appian Way Resphigi